domenica 15 febbraio 2015

Classe 3A - La rapa gigante: "il purè di patate e rapa"

Classe 3B - Jack e il fagiolo magico: "giocando con la royal icing"


Classe 3B - Jack e il fagiolo magico

Classe 3B - Jack e il fagiolo magico: "straccetti con i fagioli"

Classe 3B - Jack e il fagiolo magico: "dal seme alla pianta"

Classe 3B - Jack e il fagiolo magico: "A scuola di decorazione"

Classe 2A - Alice nel paese delle meraviglie: "lavori in corso" soleado

Classe 2A - Alice nel paese delle meraviglie: "il dolce bruco" smart

Classe 2B - Biancaneve e i 7 nani: "merenda con i nani" guizzi

Classe 2B - Biancaneve e i 7 nani: working in progress Amaenda

Classi 4A - 4B - Cappuccetto Rosso in inglese

Little Red Riding Hood
Little Red Riding Hood lived in a wood with her mother.
One day Little Red Riding Hood went to visit her granny.
She had a nice cake in her basket. On her way she met a wolf.
Where are you going?” said the wolf.
I’m going to see my grandmother”
The wolf ran to Granny’s house and ate Granny up.
Then he got into Granny’s bed.
Little Red Riding Hood reached the house.
Granny, what big eyes you have!”
All the better to see you with!” said the wolf.
Granny, what big ears you have!”
All the better to hear you with!” said the wolf.
Granny, what a big nose you have!”
All the better to smell you with!” said the wolf.
Granny, what big teeth you have!”
All the better to eat you with!” shouted the wolf.
A woodcutter heard a loud scream and ran to the house.
The woodcutter hit the wolf and Granny jumped out.

The wolf ran away and Little Red Riding Hood with her granny lived happily ever after.

Classe 2B - Biancaneve e i 7 nani: dopey's cake ali

Classe 3A - The last act

Classe 1A - La pasticceria Zitti